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June 29, 2020

3 reasons to move your faxing to the 'Cloud' before you lose data

In 2020 one of the most used words in business today are “Cloud computing” or “Working in the cloud”.

With working from home and remote working becoming the norm due to the Coronavirus and other worldly factors moving faxing to the “CLOUD is a must.

The Cloud

What is the Cloud in simple terms?

Cloud computing is storing and accessing applications and data over the internet as opposed to the use of hard disks of local servers or computers.

Communication in the Cloud

With Cloud technologies becoming more advanced, companies are moving their telecommunication into the cloud. This means that there is no longer a need to have an on site PBX (telephone system) and companies operate with a Virtual PBX (hosted PBX in the Cloud). This means that incoming calls don’t terminate in the office any more but in the cloud and can be transferred to any employee anywhere.

Faxing in the Cloud

With using email technology as the backbone for faxing makes Cloud Faxing a possibility. This means that the fax number will no longer hold a company back into moving a business working from home. Faxes are all archived in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere.

Leftronic describes the main cloud types as follows:

What Are the Main Cloud Types?

There are three different types of clouds:

  • Public: Used to deliver services across the internet.
  • Private: Aimed at internal use of an organization.
  • Hybrid: A combination of the two.

What Are the Main Types of Cloud Services?

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): Apps accessible by the client via a web browser or a smaller application (e.g. Gmail, Google Drive, Google Play).
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): An area where apps are developed and tested.
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): A place for computing resources in a virtual environment.

3 Reasons to move faxing to the cloud

  • Moving the company fax number to the cloud creates a monthly cost saving on analogue line rentals.
  • All faxes are archived which means no fax can get lost and can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Faxes can be sent and received from anywhere and from any device i.e. laptop, tablet, smart phones etc.
Why Move Now?

Moving faxing to the Cloud is a must do and not a maybe. Businesses are reducing their costs in working from home and ending old technology i.e. analogue line rentals etc. Cloud technology is the now and the future of business.

Astonishing Cloud Computing Statistics

  •  90% of companies use some type of cloud service.
  •  80% of enterprises use Amazon Web Services as their primary cloud platform.
  • 77% of enterprises have at least one application or a portion of it in the cloud.
  • Enterprises use 1,427 distinct cloud services on average.
  • 60% of organizations use cloud technology to store confidential data.

Source for statistics: https://leftronic.com/cloud-computing-statistics/

Compiled by the Virtual Fax Team, leaders in fax technology in Africa.

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