Virtual Fax to email is one of the inventive ways to do exactly what is required with saving on monthly expenses and increasing productivity.
When upgrading or purchasing your new Multi-function Printer, combine it with the Virtual Fax to email product and exclude the Fax Board that comes as an option on the device.
Excluding the Fax board, also called the Fax option, on the Multi-function device will add to lowering of the expenses in your business.
By adding Virtual Fax to the solution, all analogue lines, or as it is called Telephone lines, can now be discontinued in the business which will create an additional monthly line rental saving.
Virtual Fax provides additional cost saving on faxes sent being billed at per second billing from the first second.
All faxes sent and received are archived and can be accessed via a web login for every user that uses the Virtual Fax platform.
Virtual Fax to email integrates with all major Multi-function printer brands worldwide.
We understand productivity and cost saving.
Get in touch with us if you would like to know more.
011 966 7733