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Virtual Acid Bellow mechanical seal which outlasts any of our competitors in the market.

Industrial Seal Manufacturers

Chemical mechanical bellow seals, integral to numerous industrial applications, often encounter challenges largely attributable to their operational environment and mechanical stress. In this context, factors like longevity, cost, and availability are paramount. The fact that most chemical mechanical bellow seals are imported poses significant issues, particularly in the South African market, where exchange rates and port inefficiencies exacerbate cost and availability concerns.

Virtual Group addresses these issues by manufacturing all our products locally, circumventing the difficulties associated with imports. Furthermore, we've improved the design of the chemical mechanical bellow seal to enhance its longevity, offering a more durable and reliable solution over time.

Virtual Mechanical Chemical externally mounted PTFE Bellow Seal

Data Sheet

• External mechanical seals for acids, salts and organic compounds on pumps and agitators.
• All components in contact with product are non-metallic and acid resistant
• Sizes not listed or specials can be manufactured on request.

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Success Stories Using Virtual

  • The Virtual Team are absolutely amazing. Easy to deal with and really go out of their way to help you sort any issues out. I wouldn’t hesitate to refer them to anyone in need of their services.
    Byron Massolini - The Wikid Agency
  • Great service with very unique offerings to clients that the competition don't offer.
    Stefan du Plessis
  • The Virtual Team are always ready to take my call and help with any issue I may have. There is never any problem too big or small.
    Bernard - Venaccuracc

Why Choose Virtual ?

Here at the Virtual Group we believe that IT efficiency is powerful balance of forerunner technologies designed to make business and life safer and easier while being light on your pocket.  As the industry leader for the last 10 years we’ve worked with over 2000 different companies in 12 industries and have perfected the art of after sales service. If you want more up time, better accountability at a lower cost then contact the Virtual Group.

Chemical mechanical bellow seal
Earth moving plant and equipment parts.
Virtual Inference IoT Solutions
Generator Monitoring

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